Do you ask for others advice before decided on something ?
Do you ask for others advice before decided on something ?
I'm one of those people who like to analyse things from all aspects before making any decisions, the positive and the negative aspects. So when I ask for an advice, I do it not because I dont know what to do but more to see if the person that I'm asking has some ideas that I haven't thought about. And when it comes to making the decision, I do what I feel is the right thing to do regardless what the person's advice was << بالعربي، غالباً اكون مقررة انا ايش اريد او ايش بسوي قبل ما استشير اي حد، الا طبعاً في الاشياء اللي ما افهم فيها..
Same here I only ask because maybe from my point of view I am missing something or I don't have experience of that subject
but at the end I am the Master of my decision and final call is mine
Do you have a teddy?
Yes, and she is about 24 years old now>> I treated her as a human back in the days that's why I'm referring to her as a (she) instead of (it)..
I'm keeping her in a safe place and it's going to be my daughter's teddy one day, and if I never had a daughter I will give her to my favorite niece Lol
Do you have any items or gifts that are over 20 years old?
most of them related to my father
sunglass, umprella , Bosht ,kniphe ,.very old photos when he's young
good Q PASS
Are you happy right now?
Yes, kind off at least
Are you happy that Khareef is almost over ?
Winter for sure
not a big fan of khareef
do you have plans for the weekend?
Just indoors relaxing
how about you ! anything exciting for your weekend
do you feel old?
Yes i do
Do you feel old?